Looking For Inspiration?
With over 600 alumni and hundreds of individuals who have contributed to the Community Leadership Institute program over the last 26 years, Leadership Cape Cod has an extensive list of experts from all walks of life on the Cape who can impact your organization as a speaker for any event, large or small. If we do not have the right individual, we can find the right one through our extensive network. Whether the need is to understand a local issue or to bring a more global perspective, Leadership Cape Cod can provide the right person.
Past Speakers Include
Housing Assistance Corporation
Love Live Local
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council
Cape Cod Beer
Sturgis Charter Public School
American Red Cross
Cape Abilities
Cape Cod National Seashore
Cape Cod Commission
Cape Cod Community College
Woods Hole Research Center
If you are a speaker and would like to speak at a Leadership Cape Cod event or to register as a potential speaker contact Leadership Cape Cod at info@leadershipcapecod.org.

Leadership Cape Cod has built an extensive network of passionate experts who want to see their communities grow. We want to connect you with them.
Looking for a Speaker?
If you are looking for someone to help spark some passion in your organization or business, submit your contact information and we will reach out to our network.
Speakers are also available for topics in leadership, innovation, organizational development, quality management, strategic planning, technology and work process optimization.